We believe that children learn best in a caring, accepting environment and we provide a range of support programs for them, both in and beyond the classroom.

At Mary MacKillop, your child will learn life skills through sport, music and extra-curricular activities. Their understanding of compassion through social justice will hold them in good stead for the rest of their lives. We encourage all of our children to develop the concepts of responsibility and positive self-image so as to become a member of a caring community.

We have a strong anti-bullying culture at Mary MacKillop Memorial School.  We protect our students with a pro-active approach that deals with bullying, harassment and educating students about appropriate behaviour.

Each class holds workshops on the topic of anti-bullying.  These workshops also help children build resilience to empower them to manage situations, restore relationships and become strong advocates for themselves and others around them.We regularly conduct informal surveys with students to ensure we are monitoring the safety of all students while at school.

Our senior staff leaders and teachers are committed to providing a safe environment for our students, giving their personal attention when required to ensure all children are comfortable during their time at Mary MacKillop Memorial School.

Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

The Mary MacKillop Memorial School values are unique to our school and inspired by St Mary of the Cross MacKillop and the Josephite Sisters. The values of Courage, Presence, Service and Love are foundational and are embedded in our daily interactions and the overarching ethos of the school. 

At Mary MacKillop Memorial School, we believe each child will flourish in a nurturing community with a focus on building a sense of belonging and developing connections across the whole school community: the children, staff, families and wider community. We know that learning cannot start until the child feels safe and secure in their environment, which is why we say that caring makes learning possible.


Pastoral Care Programs and Wellbeing Initiatives

Throughout the year all staff undertake a variety of programs such as the state Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum; and Protective Practices. Kimochis, The Resilience Project, Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support (PBIS) and other social and emotional resources are also tailored to meet the needs of our students. Wellbeing days such as; RUOK day, Harmony Day and NAIDOC week endeavour to educate and promote the messages of inclusivity; that everyone belongs and knowing the signs to check in and ask the question RUOK and that it is ok, not to be ok.


School Counsellor

The Mary MacKillop Memorial School counsellor works in partnership with students, teachers and parents/caregivers to support students’ social and emotional wellbeing. Counselling is child-focused and informed by the needs, goals and developmental level of the student. It is a voluntary process that takes place in a one-on-one setting at the school. Group workshops are also an integral part of our service.

Our counsellor is committed to working respectfully and collaboratively with students, parents/caregivers and teachers in ways that build on students’ individual strengths, offering support and information on:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Social skills
  • Grief and loss
  • Family issues

Please contact the school to discuss scheduling an appointment with the school counsellor


The Kimochis Program (Years R-3)

At Mary MacKillop Memorial School our R – 3 children engage in the Kimochis Program.  This program is a universal, school-based, social and emotional learning program designed to give children the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need to recognize and manage their emotions, care for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions, and handle challenging situations constructively.

The Kimochi Program is a character based wellbeing program.  The characters in the Kimochi Program support children develop an understanding of their emotions through puppetry and play in a fun and comfortable way, building self-esteem and confidence.

Kimochi lessons teach children to be:

  • Respectful: Use a respectful voice, face, words and actions; listen to upset feelings
  • Responsible: Speak up for self or others; admit and own mistakes
  • Resilient: Work through emotion alone or with help; bounce back from difficult moments
  • Compassionate and Kind: Have empathy or concern for others; look for moments to be kind to self and others


Resilient IMPACT – What? What? How?

Based in Positive Psychology is the work with our partner Life Buoyancy Institute. The trauma informed and scientific methodology is used to coach all staff in the Resilient IMPACT program of intentional practice, which is designed to guide and strengthen moment-to-moment teaching and support relationships, so that we ‘respond rather than react’ to student learning, growth, developmental and wellbeing needs. By focusing on growth, we strive to be grounded (or mindful) teachers, who intentionally respond to individual and collective student growth needs.

To support this growth process, Resilient IMPACT utilises a core planning tool called the What-What-How:

  • What is happening?
  • What is important? (or what is our intent)
  • How can we act?


The Resilience Project

The Resilience Project is a dedicated program that focusses on positive health strategies aimed at preventing mental health issues and enhancing children’s ability to manage challenges. Rooted in the principles of gratitude, empathy, and mindfulness, this evidence-based program includes content tailored for students, staff, and parents/carers. Through the school partnership program, we aim to promote mental health awareness and support in classrooms, staff environments, and in family settings.

Pastoral Care and Wellbeing