A dedication to education and the care of others is a living legacy that continues in the school today.

As educators we know that learning cannot start until the child feels safe and secure in their environment, which is why we say that caring makes learning possible. We believe learning happens within and beyond the classroom.

Our learning program is shaped by the eight learning areas in The Australian Curriculum along with Religious Education. A detailed outline of the learning areas can be found on the Australian Curriculum website.

We use data to inform decisions about our learning design. Teachers draw on a range of formal and informal learning data to understand where children are up to in their learning journey and where they need to progress next. In this way we ensure learning growth each year for all children.

Our specialist learning areas are Performing Arts, Visual Media, The Technologies, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program and Physical Education and Languages (Italian).

Vision for Learning

We believe we learn through interaction with others, therefore children are provided with opportunities to work together, to collaborate and connect with the wider community. Children learn best when they feel safe, have ownership of their learning and when experiences are purposeful and relevant. We believe that it is vital for student growth that we regularly seek and interpret evidence to inform our teaching, the learner and parents/carers.