The Australian Curriculum

A framework for our teaching and learning

It outlines the key elements of what young Australians should learn as they progress through their primary schooling and into high school. It is the foundation of their learning, growth and active participation as productive members of society.

Curriculum Areas

  • Religion
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • HASS (History, Social Studies and Geography)
  • Languages (Italian)
  • Technologies
  • The Arts (Music, Art, Drama)
  • The Arts (Visual Media)
  • Health & Physical Education


General Capabilities

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • ICT capability
  • Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and Social capability
  • Ethical understanding
  • Intercultural understanding


Cross-Curriculum Priorities

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait histories and culture
  • Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
  • Sustainability

Religious Education

Students are invited into a living encounter with the beliefs, values, symbols, rituals, faith and community of the Catholic Church. Our Religious Education is an experience of Church that is authentic and life-giving.  Prayer and Liturgical celebrations are a vibrant part of our faith education. As they develop their beliefs, live and celebrate their faith, your child will develop a strong sense of social awareness and understanding that all human beings are loved by God and therefore are a vital member of the world community. 

Made in the Image of God (MITIOG) – Human Sexuality Curriculum

The Made In The Image of God (MITIOG), Human Sexuality curriculum is mandated for South Australian Catholic Schools, for Years R-12. Each year our students engage with age-appropriate curriculum content regarding sexuality through the MITIOG curriculum.

Catholic understanding is that all humans are made in the image of God and therefore deserving of the utmost dignity and honour and that our sexuality is a fundamental dimension of the human person.



Mathematics at Mary MacKillop Memorial School is a dynamic and engaging, with numeracy skills that will enrich and empower their lives.

The curriculum focus is on developing mathematical proficiencies in understanding, reasoning, fluency and problem solving skills, as well as helping students to develop the ability to creatively apply their understanding in efficient ways.

The Australian Curriculum content strands for Mathematics are Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.


Our Science program has been developed with the knowledge that our students need an understanding of science to make sense of their world. Your child will study physical sciences, chemical sciences, biological sciences and Earth and space sciences.


English is a rich language that forms the basis for all communication in our country. Your child will engage with English, and develop a love of language and literacy. It includes listening, reading, viewing, speaking and writing. Literacy is the ability to understand and to use language in appropriate spoken, written and visual forms for different contexts, purposes and audiences.

Students engage in activities that support their growing understanding and use of Australian English. In English, students will read, communicate, create, reflect and think critically about a range of fictional, factual, non-print and multimodal texts from diverse cultures. Students will be exposed to a broad range of literature including novels, poetry, plays, films, picture books, short stories and magazines.

Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)

Through studies of History, Social Studies and Geography, students will be able to develop the skills, knowledge and values which will enable them to participate in a variety of different ways as ethical, active and informed citizens in a democratic society, within a global community, in an ever-changing world.

The HASS studies area aims to develop in all students a knowledge and appreciation of societies, locally, nationally and globally; of changing environments and systems; and of interactions between environments and societies. Students will also learn about cultural diversity, and the different perspectives people have, and the emerging forms of new knowledge, technologies and demographic patterns in the world.

Through a variety of pedagogical experiences, students will be encouraged to be critical thinkers and to positively and effectively participate in their school, community and wider world. Students are to be given opportunities to develop skills that will enable them to evaluate, make informed decisions, plan, and implement actions, that will be of benefit to them and society.

The Arts

The Arts include music, dance, drama, media and visual arts. In all areas, students learn to discuss the art form and to express opinions about it...

The Visual Arts Program allows students to explore their ideas through a variety of art forms, developing experience in the areas of drawing, painting, sculpture, collage, textiles, puppetry, construction, mixed media, poster and theatre art.

Students have the opportunity to explore their own artistic choices while being exposed to a variety of artworks and techniques from artists and other cultures both past and present. Students are also encouraged to critically reflect and respond to art works. They have opportunities to share their art, become involved in art competitions and contribute to school celebrations such as liturgies, assemblies, art displays, Book Week and school musical events.

The Visual Arts Program is part of the integrated school curriculum and makes links with other subject areas such as the Religion, HASS, Science and Literacy Programs.

For students in years 4-6 our school choir is active both within the school and in the wider community. Students have the opportunity to participate in our Regional Choir Festival in Mt Gambier, along with other students in the region.

At MMMS we are well known in the community for our wonderful and varied Performing Arts Program. The students are exposed to many musical and dramatic experiences through singing, listening, playing, moving, creating, performing, reflecting and enjoying. Students are also encouraged to perform for a variety of audiences, beginning with class performances, assemblies, Masses and Liturgies and leading to large performances to the school and Penola community. Students regularly perform at our school assemblies and engage in singing at Masses and liturgies as part of our local parish.

The provision of live performances as a feature of the program greatly enhances the musical experience. Every two years we have a school musical which is held in our school hall.


Through Design and Technology students build on their knowledge of past and present technology and we inspire them to design for the future.

Digital Technology provides opportunities to be creators and not just users of technology through activities that use logical thinking, flow-charts and coding.

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program

The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program is the centrepiece of our commitment to sustainability. Our Kitchen Garden programs allow students to see firsthand how tending a garden and cooking healthy meals with home grown seasonal produce can lead to a sense of well-being, health, and connection to the land. Through hands-on experiences like these, the disposition of ecological stewardship is prompted to grow and become embedded into children’s understanding of the world around them. In addition, food plays an integral part in the way we connect. Through meal preparation and shared lunches, children learn the importance of hospitality to their sense of connection and belonging.

Our Yr 4 - 6 students experience weekly gardening and cooking lessons where they grow, harvest, cook and share produce grown in our garden. Students are responsible for planting all seedlings and caring for the plants and garden, using their initiative to develop the success of their produce.  Our Junior Primary students engage with our Kitchen Garden program in blocks of time throughout the year.

For further information about the program, contact Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program Coordinator Jen Eckermann.

Languages – Italian

All students have the opportunity to learn Italian and experience one of the oldest cultures in the world.

Health & Physical Education

MMMS provides its students a variety of opportunities to participate in a range of sporting events and activities throughout the year.

Students in Year 6 have the opportunity to try out for selection in Mid South East District teams for AFL Football, Softball, Netball, Tennis, Cricket, Soccer and Hockey. 
Term 1

  • District Swimming Day (Penola)
  • State Swimming Championships (Adelaide) 
  • Softball State Carnival (Adelaide)
  • District Athletics Day (Newbery Park Primary School)

Term 2

  • Regional Cross Country (Naracoorte)
  • Football State Carnival (Adelaide)
  • Netball State Carnival (Adelaide)
  • State Cross Country Championships (Adelaide)
  • Hockey Tryout Day (Blue Lake Sports Park)
  • Girls Soccer Tryout Day (Tenison College)

Term 3

  • District Basketball Day (Millicent)
  • Soccer State Carnival (Adelaide)
  • Hockey State Carnival (Adelaide)
  • Regional Basketball Day (Mt Gambier)
  • State Athletics Championships (Adelaide) 

Term 4

  • Cricket State Carnival (Adelaide)
  • Tennis State Carnival (Adelaide) 

Sports Day and Swimming Week
Mary MacKillop Memorial School host an annual Swimming Carnival and Sports Day. The Swimming Program in Term 1 provides an efficient specialist service to assist students to develop a range of knowledge, skills and understanding of water confidence, water safety in, on and around the water, survival in the water, rescuing techniques and mobility in the water. Swimming Week Lessons and Carnival take place at Penola Swimming Pool. The school places great importance on this Water Safety Program, as it is an integral part of the Physical Education Program and an essential element of your child’s water safety development. 

Our Sports Day format in Term 4, allows students to enjoy an inclusive day of activities, races and team spirit. Hosted on our school oval during PE Week, students take part in track and field events and tabloid activities, with the Reception/Year 1 students enjoying their own special field and tabloid events.